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Train the trainer - so they can teach anything to anyone..

train the trainer

Train the trainer course is a starter course for anyone fresh & new to training, teaching or instructing adults.

The idea of ‘training needs assessment' is pretty well known and is the difference between the goals or intentions of your business and the skills talents and knowledge of your staff.

But how can yo set about teaching and training if you have no experience. Lets say you are a subject matter expert but not a trainer...

The course starts by asking you to think of a person in your workplace.

What their job is, what their duties are and who they are.

Think about what skills they need to do their job. Have they ever had the skills, and if they haven't got them, why? Do they show any interest in getting them?

You will discover how different people learn, both group based and individually and how this can have a MASSIVE IMPACT on your training sessions.

If you have done our “Presentation Skills” course you will know that knowing your audience is a key function and the four learning styles will help you plug into that.

You then move on to looking at the steps to take when you have identified a knowledge gap and walk you through the;

  • 10 different things to do when you have identified a knowledge gap
  • 7 different ways to get the attention of your trainees
  • How to help people remember things more easily.

The course shows you;

  • How to break down a task to instruct on in three easy steps
  • How you can ask superb questions effectively and The types of questions to definitely avoid
  • How to deal with; correct, partially correct and totally incorrect answers and what this means for you as a trainer.
  • The strengths and weaknesses of 6 types of support materials

Feedback is crucial for your training to cover the gap between what your delegate knows and the aims objectives and goals of the organisation, and we can show you how to give and receive feed back on your training

Finally we look at evaluating training.

What this means for you as a trainer, your students and the needs of the business.

This course is a password controlled learning environment - allowing you to support your staff as they discover new skills.

Click now for a free sample of the the train the trainer course to see how easy it is.